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Card Reading Services

A mini tarot reading may be just what you need to get a little insight into a situation.

An easy quick way to get some advice from your spirit guides and/or angels! 


This is a 3 card reading.

One energy card, one tarot card and one informational/advice card will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is a 20 minute reading.


A general tarot reading is a good way to dive a little deeper into a situation. 

This can give you some solid insight into a situation and help to guide you down the right path! 

This is a 5 card reading.

One energy card, three tarot cards and one informational/advice card will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is a 30-45 minute reading.


An extended tarot reading is an excellent way to get a good look at a situation.  Something you’ve been wondering about, or need some guidance to make a decision. Family, career, love, finances, spirituality or any other area you may need guidance in. 

This is a 9 card reading.

One energy card, seven tarot cards and one informational/advice card will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is a 60 minute reading.


This is a relationship reading. Whether you need to know if they are the one, or if there may be deceit in the relationship, the information received here may assist in giving you insight into your love relationship.

This is a 5 card reading.

One energy card, three tarot cards and one informational/advice card will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is a 30-45 minute reading. 



This reading is designed to assist in cutting cords from a past relationship of ANY kind that you are ready to release. Work, love, family or friends create energetic cords between us and that individual or situation. At times we feel held down or attached to a particular person or situation and need to ask Archangel Michael and the other Archangels for help in removing this energetic cord and healing the wound left behind.

This is a 5 card reading.

One energy card, three tarot cards and one informational/advice card will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is a 30-45 minute reading. 


Chakra readings are intended to gather information and assist in aligning chakras.


Decks and card layout will be determined intuitively by the reader, in the best interest of the client. Photos of cards and meanings will be included and sent to email of client.


This is a 45-minute reading. 


Intention Card Reading & Custom Intention Bracelet

NEW!! Choice of Intention Bracelet ~OR~ Necklace!!


Includes a personal one on one card reading and discussion with Tami Jean to determine which crystals would best serve you on your journey at this stage.


The 4-7 Crystals that are chosen will be hand crafted into your choice of a necklace or bracelet. You choose the piece, custom length of jewelry and metal accent color!

This is a 7 card reading.

One energy card, five tarot cards and one informational/advice card will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is an up to 45 minute reading. 


12 cards representing each month of the year and a final advise card will be drawn. More cards may be drawn for extra information if deemed necessary by the reader.


Decks and card layout will be determined intuitively by the reader, in the best interest of the client. Photos of cards and meanings will be included and sent to email of client.



This is a 12 card reading.

Cards will be pulled from tarot and oracle decks intuitively chosen by the reader.

This is a 45-60 minute reading. 

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